My poor boy is sick. He must have gotten into something. Yesterday when I got home from work he didn’t greet me at the door, but rather laid on the sofa and didn’t move. So I went over to lay with him and figured I could read my book and snuggle. Well then my husband sat down on the sofa and had some crackers and cheese with him. And Ratchet didn’t move. Which is weird. Ratchet will eat ANYTHING. I tried to give him some cracker, I even put some cheese in front of his nose and tried to open his mouth for him to feed him the cheese and he wasn’t having it. That’s when I knew something was wrong. I went to pick him up and his body started having spasms. So I brought him over to the clinic.
This is when having a MIL that is a vet comes in handy. I drove right over to the farm and all the techs rushed to check on him. His temp was fine (and he didn’t mind getting his temp checked either) but his heart rate was really slow. So MIL took some blood and hooked him up to an IV. I brought him into the house so he could be more comfortable and laid with him on the sofa. MIL wanted him to spend the night at the farm just in case so before I left I decided I’d take him out to go potty. He still wouldn’t walk and he ended up throwing up, but never peed.
I felt so bad leaving him. Look how pathetic he looked
But I left because I trust my MIL.
I was barely out of the driveway when FIL called to say that Ratchet was NOT happy I had left and that he was really upset. So I decided to go back there and spend the night. I was able to get him to go potty before bed and he slept all night long. There were several times where he woke up coughing/gagging, but just rubbing his back calmed him down.
He seems better this morning, but still isn’t himself. He is at home right now with my sister and she’ll bring him back to the farm at noon. MIL wants to give him more fluids just in case. His blood work is already back and MIL said it’s perfectly fine. So who knows. At least he is more alert now and we’re out of the danger zone.
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