So this is what happened Friday night. I know we had fun, took shots of Jamison (probably not the smartest decision), ate potato wedges, and had to take a taxi home.
The beginning of the night, shots, and then well you see what happened
The beginning of the night, shots, and then well you see what happened
so yeah.
Saturday morning I woke up and didn’t feel as terrible as one might imagine. I had committed to doing a walk for Alzheimer’s with my grandfather, uncle, aunt, other aunt/uncle cousins. This was a small group of people from our family doing this walk. It was kinda thrown together last minute, but I’m so happy I was able to be a part of it. The saddest part was you could tell my grandfather was really struggling to be there without my grandmother. She is at the early stages of Alzheimer’s, she can’t really put sentences together and isn’t talking much. He just kept saying I wish mama was hereL and we really only made it about 20 minutes into the walk and he decided he wanted to go home and make sure she was OK.
Here is a group picture

From left to right: Michaela, Me, Cole, Rachel, Uncle Bob, my mom, grandpa in the front, Uncle Joe hiding behind him, aunt Susan, and Aunt Debbie
Next year we’re going to make shirts and have the whole family do the walk and donate money for the cause. It’s hard to even think about. She is so special to me, but I would do anything for her and for the cause because to have a family member suffering from this disease is tragic and heartbreaking. My husband’s grandmother also suffers from Alzheimer’s and I spent years helping to take care of her before had to go into a nursing home and I never felt even a fraction of the pain for her as I do for my own grandmother. It makes me ashamed to say that. But I walked for her too, Iove her too, its just so incredibly impactful how completely different my feelings are.
After the walk I had to take a nap. I was nauseous. When we arrived at the walk my Uncle Joe said, you reek of alcohol. I was just like, eh what are you going to do? But for some reason my hangover hit my later in the day. But I couldn’t nap for long because Erica and her husband are trying to buy a home so I went with her to look through a house they’re very interested in and gave them my professional opinion of what I thought they could do with/in the house. Have I mentioned that I’m an interior designer? I must have.
That was sooo much fun, but I felt a little brain dead trying to pull thoughts together with a hangover. But seeing Erica and her husband more than once in a trip to Ohio doesn’t happen often so I was excited to do it and honored that they would ask.
But my time with them was short because I had to be on my way so I was in Cincinnati in time for the wedding! The reason I went to Ohio, ha.
I didn’t take a single picture. Not one. But here is a photo of me playing dress up in the dress I wore at home several weeks before we went to the wedding.

We stayed with one of Ben’s friends and his wife, which was sooo nice of them. I was at first a little leary of staying in someone elses space, but I’m glad we did. They’re such nice people and that bed was so comfy! Haha, but seriously they have the cutest little girl named Dorthy and a little boy due in December. I think we’re going to try to go down to Cincinnati when we’re back in Ohio in December to see them and hopefully meet the new addition to their family.
The wedding was beautiful. The bride and groom were magnificent. They’re moving to Malta next month so this was kind of like a last big hurrah for them before they leave the states. The bride is from Malta so now that they’re married, they’re moving out! I also do not have any photos of them.
Sunday we had to wake up and move. By the time we were awake we chatted for a few minutes and hit the road so we could have a few minutes in Dayton with my family before we had to catch our flight back into Philadelphia. I did get one photo of Ben and I and my nephews, Emmett is the small guy and David is the guy wiggling on the right side of the picture. I love those kids and can’t wait to get back and see them in December.
That’s it! Next week will be a whirlwind of a weekend as well because Ben and I are leaving town to celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary. So this week we’re going to try to have as quiet of a week as possible so we have plenty of energy next weekend for driving, fishing, and just enjoying each other’s company.
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