I was just
thinking about this time last year. We’d
had our second failed IUI and were so emotionally exhausted from TTC that we
planned a trip to Mexico and skipped town.
What a difference a year makes, we’re spending our money on house
renovations and the baby and I don’t think I’d want to be rolling around the
beach in a bikini!!
So here I am
at 30 weeks. Are you missing the bare belly posts? I can start that up again if
you’re really missing them:)

· How far
along are you? 30 weeks . People how are there only 10 weeks left
until Bear arrives!? It feels like a minute ago that I was praying for the 1st
trimester to be over so that I could tell the world I was pregnant!
· How big is
baby? Baby boy should be about 3.1 lbs and 17” long. He’s now close to the
length he’ll be when he arrives. At this point he’ll start gaining about ½ lb a
· Maternity
Clothes? Absolutely!
·Sleep? I’ve
been sleeping a bit better, but I think that’s because I’ve been keeping so busy
working on the house
·Best moment
this week? The crib is up!! Here is a picture.
We still need to actually decorate the room, but I figured you’d like to
see a quick snap of the room:)

·Movement? I’ve
been trying to catch all the movement on video for you, but every time I point
the camera in the direction of my belly, Bear stops moving.
Cravings? Nothing really. I’m full as soon as I take a bite of something so that’s
hindering my ability to really chow down.
·Milestone? I
don’t know. We’re 10 weeks ish away from meeting the Bear!
I hope everyone have a good evening. I’m headed to do a
guest bartender gig for the local Junior League, which I’m not super excited
about. I’d rather be working on the house or sleeping!
Where did you get that crib?! It's beautiful!