I’m so unbelievably
excited that we’re this close. I’m trying my best to finish stuff around the
house but I’m so tired at the end of the day.
We’re so close though to wrapping up a lot of stuff.
Here is
the37 week belly!!

· How far
along are you? 37 weeks, crazy just crazy.
· Total
weight gain: uh 28lbs. I was doing so well and in the past 2 months have really
packed it on
· How big is
baby? So he’s should be about 6lbs now. although at my u/s last week she said
he was about 6.5 lbs but that he was in a bad position when she was measuring
him and she could be up to a lb off.
· Maternity
Clothes? Yes! I went shopping this past weekend and bought nursing tanks and
some nursing pj’s
·Sleep? I’m
sleeping. I actually am exhausted. I took a 2 hour nap last night when I got
home from work and then still slept a full nights sleep.
·Best moment
this week? I saw the baby boy last Friday, which of course was amazing:)
·Movement? He’s
starting to slow down. Boy doesn’t have much room left in there to wiggle.
Cravings? I’m not super hungry
aversions? nada
Signs? Still some cramping. Totally normal. I did lose part of my mucus plug
over the weekend, which hopefully means my cervix is opening up more. When I was at the doctors last week they
checked me and I was 1cm dilated and still really high. I’ve started taking
Evening Primrose Oil 2 by mouth in the morning and 2 vaginally at night to
soften my cervix.
Button in or out? in!! I think I might get away without this thing turning
inside out!!
·What I
miss? Being able to sit for more than 5 minutes without my upper right belly
going numb. I think it must be where he’s sitting or kicking but I’m constantly
numb under my right boob.
·What I’m
looking forward to? Nothing specific. Oh
I am getting a bikini wax on Thursday. Wish me luck. I’m currently a hair
·Milestone? Baby
is basically fully developed at this point. I could have him now and everything
would most likely be perfectly fine!! That makes me really happy.
· Stretch Marks? I think I’ll really be able to tell you this after the baby comes. I can’t tell if I have any on my butt/lower back. My belly looks fine, and I think there is 1 on my boob
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