I don’t recall the first time I had spaghetti sqsash, I believe my mom made it quite a bit growing up. And the way she cooked it was so easy. We were at a friend’s house recently and they were making it for dinner and our friend Todd was manning the oven and checking on the spaghetti squash every 20 minutes. I was surprised by this method of cooking it because it can be done in a much shorter time span. I explained to him how I did it and he had no idea that it could be such an easy dinner to make. So here is a how to, we’ll at least one way it can be done.
Cut spaghetti squash in half

Scoop out the loose seeds and flesh on the inside of the squash. This is just like when you’re cleaning out a pumpkin, less slimy, but same principal.

Turn upside down in a pyrex dish or in some corning wear. Make sure whatever dish you use can be put in the microwave. Put the squash in the dish and then fill with water. The squash I used was smaller than normal so I was able to fit both halves in the dish. Normally I can only fit one half in at a time.
Fill dish with about a 1/4” – 1/2" of water and then cover with cling wrap.

Put in the microwave and cook for 10 minutes. Depending on the size of your squash this time may vary, but if you’re only cooking 1/2 of a larger squash that should be fine.
Once its finished cooking, pull your dish out of the microwave but be very careful, the dish and the steam under that cling wrap is going to be quite hot.

Take squash out of the water and let sit to cool for a few minutes. The next step is to scrape out the ‘spaghetti’ with a fork and you don’t want the squash too hot or you would be able to handle it.

Also, just an FYI, my husband is never convinced he wants spaghetti squash, but as soon as he starts eating it he gobbles it right down. So if the people in your life are hesitant at least make sure they try it because it’s not as scary as it seems.
My mom makes spaghetti squash all the time too and I have never tried it. I might give it a chance next time.