But really,
this baby is coming like soon. Like it could happen any day. Eeekkk!!! Sooo sooo
exciting. I am shopping with a friend
this weekend and the next week I’ve got a HH date with a bunch of other friends
so I’m hoping all these fun things going on will keep me occupied and the time
will fly even quicker. Ben is working up
a storm at work and around the house and yard in anticipation for Bear’s
arrival. Working 80 hour weeks and coming home and mulching the flower beds. Poor
guy. I’m so thankful for him and all his hard work.
Here is my
36 week picture. My Midwife said she
thinks the baby boy has dropped a bit, but I think I’ve been carrying him kind
of low the entire pregnancy. I don’t know, the bumps on my body so it’s hard to

· How far
along are you? 36 weeks today. Eeekk!
· Total
weight gain: 24lbs last week. I’m packing em on now!
· How big is
baby? About 6lbs and 20” long. But I should get a more accurate measurement on
Friday. He was measuring a bit small at last week’s appointment so I’m getting
an u/s this Friday.
· Maternity
Clothes? Yes, yes I am. And I actually bought a new pair of pants over the
weekend and they are amazing!!
·Sleep? Its
getting worse again. I’m just so off and on with sleep.
·Best moment
this week? Laying in bed the other morning and H reaching over and just rubbing
my belly. It’s totally becoming more real to him. It makes my heart so happy. Also
putting the bassinet together and in our room and installing the car seat base!
Baby boy will be here soon!!!
·Movement? So
so much movement.
Cravings? Anything!
aversions? nada
Signs? Nothing. Maybe some Braxton hicks contractions but I don’t really know.
Button in or out? in, shallow, and starting to itch which I’m afraid means
stretch marks are possibly on their way
·What I
miss? Sleeping and I’m well aware this isn’t going to change anytime soon.
·What I’m
looking forward to? Doctors appt. on Friday. I’m getting an u/s to see how big
Bear is and so I’m super duper excited for that
·Milestone? We’re
in the final countdown people!!
· Stretch Marks? I’m going back and forth on this! I do think there is one on my boob. I should just take a picture and show you but so sorry no boob pictures for you today:(
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