I had my 36 week checkup this morning. They did the Group B
Strep test and I’ll get those results next week. They also checked me to see if I’m
progressing at all and I am, but not really. I’m 1cm dilated and my cervix is
still up really high. Honestly I expected getting check to hurt but it didn’t
bother me at all. Maybe it’s because when going through IF and all the testing
with my RE I had a lot worse things happening like tubes being stuck up my
cervix and the end of my cervix being clamped and pulled on…so a hand in my
vagina wasn’t painful at all.
My belly is still small. From the outside they told me that
Bear is measuring about 34 weeks and the doctor said she’d be surprised if he
was more than 6.5-7lbs at birth. And I’m
okay with that:)
Then I went for my U/S to check on how Bear is growing. And guys,
he’s perfect. He wasn’t very
cooperative but he’s measuring right on track and the amount of amniotic fluid
is good.
So I saved the best for last. Here is a picture of my little
man. Clearly he is running out of room
in there as he’s squished and all his features are kind of looking flat.

And just because I’m obsessed here is a picture of him at 27

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