My life has been a bit hectic lately. A huge property fight with a neighbor, work (gah. always getting in the way), my sister coming into town to visit (which meant pool parties and canoeing galore!) and then a big 1501 mile car ride. Yep you read that right, 1501 miles exactly. Little Sis is moving in with us! We all had a family reunion to go to in Ohio over this past weekend and so my brilliant (rolls eyes) husband decided we should hook up our trailer and drive down to Ashville to get all of Little Sis’s things and then continue on to our family reunion in Ohio.
Let me just say I’m tired. My husband drove the entire time because we were pulling the trailer, but I’m still tired.
But I’m back and hopefully will have time to get lots of reading in:)
Here are a few pictures from our trip:
Thursday night in Asheville; Ben and I

OHIO! OK. so I don’t actually have a lot of photos from Ohio, but I have some coming because my grandfather hired a professional photographer to take family photos. So lots of pictures of me to come soon:) I know you can’t wait!
here is one of my baby nephew E to tide you over - 

and my Lil' Sis with my other nephew D

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