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National Week of Infertility Awareness

23 April 2013

I’m sure you’ve all seen plenty of posts about infertility on Facebook, at least I hope you have.  There are so many causes people choose to support: cancer, diabetes, autism, dementia…so why not infertility.  It seems to me that its not nearly as OK to talk about.

I’ll be honest, I haven’t outed myself to anyone but you.  I needed this blog to be an outlet for what I was feeling and my journey into motherhood.  I didn’t start this blog thinking I would really ever talk about infertility and now it seems that’s all I want to talk about. It feels like it’s taking over my life some days. 

 Educate yourself, educate others.  If you feel comfortable, post a status update this week on your facebook or twitter to help educate people, please! I beg you.  I am not at the point where I want to out myself and so I can’t do it, but if you feel comfortable enough to do so, than please do.

Something as simple as:

1 in 8 couples are affected by infertility so there is a high probability that you know someone going through this struggle, whether you realize it or not. I encourage you to choose your words carefully and to realize that every day of pregnancy and being a parent is a blessing. Things like "just relax and it will happen," "it will happen when it's supposed to happen," and even asking someone when they are going to have kids can be very insensitive to a person's feelings. To learn more about infertility you can visit the website below.

And make yourself aware by checking out these blogs!

 but then there are people like this who clearly make people struggling with infertility become infuriated!

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