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Weekends away are the best! (Part 1)

24 September 2012

I miss my family so much, even though there is always so much drama surrounding them. We’ll really just my older sister and my mom. It can be fairly stressful but I choose not to let it bother me, I choose to ignore their bs.  But they’re not getting along meant that my time spent at home was for the most part spent with them individually.

We arrived in town Friday at 11:00 and my Uncle Joe picked Ben and I up from the airport.  He was actually just in town visiting from San Diego.  He decided last May that for as long as my grandparents are alive he’s going to fly home once a month to spend time with them.  And he has, how freeking special is that? To have that kind of love and respect for your family. To take that time off of work. Do it while you can because they won’t be around forever.

We went to my grandparents’ house to pick my grandma and grandpa up so we could all go over to lunch at my sister’s house.  My grandfather is amazing, such a special man. My grandmother is like a second mother to me. She is starting to decline and has Alzheimer’s.  I knew she knew who I was. She lit up like a Christmas tree when she saw me and grabbed me cheeks with her hands and have me a huge hug, twice.  And she couldn’t stop just looking at me and patting my leg or grabbing my hand just to show she loved me.

We all enjoyed lunch together and then I had to bring my husband down to Cincinnati so that he could participate in the Friday night pre-wedding drinking. I on the other hand did a little pre-wedding drinking myself, but not with anyone going to the wedding. I was drinking with my best friend Erica and her husband Casey. Fun times. Fun times.

More pictures and stories to come! I need to get home and get my photos downloaded off my camera.

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