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That happened quickly!

03 June 2013

This weekend brought about an interesting new development, we’ll two actually.

 My in-laws got a cow.  This is Buttercup
Photo: Meet Buttercup!

About a year ago (so not really that quickly) I told my mother in law that if they got a milk cow I would get chickens and we could be well on our way to not needing these things from the grocery store and worrying that they were packed with hormones and such.  We already get our beef from a local farmer and so this would just be another step in the right direction.

And then Buttercup came and my mother in law told me that I have 5 speckled hens coming to my house on Tuesday, er tomorrow.  So it’s actually all happening.  Honestly I don’t think I can have chickens in my backyard, but I’m going to roll with it until someone says something or I get in trouble.  I am on over an acre, and not in a neighborhood so it really shouldn’t be an issue.  And there are two horse farms on my street.

So I bought chicken feed over the weekend and have been racking my brain as to how I’m going to house these chicks!  And then today I found a chicken coop online that wasn’t outrageously priced and hit proceed and hopefully by the weekend I’ll also have a chicken coop!  until then the little girls can sleep in a big dog cage.

Here is their new house…

 Wish us luck!  My husband is NOT on board at all and he says this whole thing is my deal so I’m going to have to be responsible…I can do it:)


  1. Chickens are soooooooooo easy!!!!! We have 4 and honestly they are no work at all. We live downtown in our town and our lot is 3/4 of an acre and until we invited neighbours over they had no clue.
    Cute chicken coop

  2. I love the coop!! And I want to meet Buttercup :)

