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Update on Me

25 June 2013

We met with the RE this morning to sign all of our final consent paperwork for IVF.  It’s really happening.

I started taking birth control last week to regulate my system, and on Sunday I stop taking it.  Then on July 2nd I’ll get all my baseline blood work done, which basically just shows if all my levels are on track and not out of whack.

Like how thorough my explanations are?  J

I’m currently feeling good.  I was a bit emotional several times last week and I’m sure that’s because of the birth control, but I was able to control it and continue on.

My body is in great shape, mentally I feel wonderful and relaxed….so it’s just a matter of time.

I want this to work. My sister in law had her baby girl on Sunday night and I got to meet her last night. I’m so in love.  I want that for Ben and I with every piece of me.


  1. Isn't it weird that they want you to take birth control pills do help you make a baby? :-)

    Being mentally prepared is just as important as being physically prepared. I'll be crossing all my fingers for you guys! :-)

    1. so the point of the birth control pills is so they can take control of your cycle. It gives the doctors the upperhand in scheduling when the whole process starts. I should have explained that:)

      I am not loving the birth control though, if it makes me emotional i'm scared to see what the fertility meds are going to do to me!

  2. Do you know anyone you can ask about their side effects?

    1. My sister in law, and I have talked to her about them, they made her super emotional. but so did the birth control, so much so that she had to stop taking them.

      so we'll see!

      the hardest part will be keeping my craziness a secret from everyone at work.
