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Happy Monday!

01 July 2013

Please tell me how the weekend has already passed us by?  I needed more time to sleep, especially since Ben woke me up at 5:30 on Saturday. Yeah, I could have killed him!

So here is a quick recap of our weekend.

1)      Friday night – went to a 31 party. It was fun, not generally my thing, but I enjoyed myself and of course the shopping

2)      Saturday – did I mention I was woken up early?

3)      Played in the pool with my nieces and nephew

4)      Went to BJ’s and spent an outrageous amount of money on stuff

5)      Had a nice dinner out with Benny. Fun date, but it was like 5:30 and we were definitely eating with the older crowd if you know what I mean. It was a pool of gray hair in that  restaurant!

6)      Sunday – cleaned the house

7)      Built the new addition on our chicken coop!!  pictures to come soon:)

This week starts our IVF cycle, wish us luck!

Oh and tomorrow google reader is leaving us so don’t forget to follow me on bloglovin’. Linky on the side of this page


1 comment:

  1. GOOD LUCK!!! I'm excited for you :)

