I started my meds on Saturday night and I'm not loving giving myself shots but it’s not as terrible as I had anticipated. I don't really have any side effects yet, a little dizziness yesterday but I’ve upped my water intake and that seems to have taken care of that issue. And I am starting to feel pressure in my abdomen, but its still very slight.
I currently have five follies (which doesn't seem like a lot??). Dr. said I was right on track with where he wanted me to be. One on the right and four on the left and I am awaiting the results of my blood work. I go back on Thursday for another monitoring appt, and probably Saturday. The doctor said that I'll probably have ER sometime mid week next week. so I’m excited and nervous.
I did have them check my AMH (which gauges approximately how many eggs you have left in your ovaries) levels even though he didn't think it was necessary and that came in at 2.1, which he was very happy with. he said anything over 1 is great.
so that’s it. I worry I’m forgetting to ask some important question every time I go in there, but I think that’s just my anxiety.
So glad that all is going well for you! I'm always like that at doctors too, have a million questions and then I go blank when I get there.