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39 weeks:)

21 May 2014

I am officially one week away from my due date. I’m so excited to meet this little guy I cannot even explain it.   this has been so long in the making that I honestly am a little shocked that its finally here.  It feels like so long ago that Ben and I were in New Zealand and having sex with the intent to expand our family.  I mean it was a long time ago, it was 2011, but we’re finally at the end, eeerr beginning of this journey we’ve wanted for so long.  

I’m very emotional at this point. the thought of holding my son in my arms brings tears to my eyes. I know that everyday isn’t going to be amazing, and its going to be a transition bringing a child into the home, but I’m so excited to be given the opportunity.

So here is my belly today! I’m giving you a comparison of 37 and 39 weeks and also a shot of my belly next to the door knob so I can try and watch the belly move….although maybe I should have done that a couple of weeks ago.


· How far along are you? 39 weeks. Another week down, another week closer to meeting our baby boy!

· Total weight gain: uh 33lbs…I’m packing it on now! these last couple of weeks haven’t been nice to my body.

· How big is baby? Around 7-8lbs. we’ll see how big he is when he arrives! He should be somewhere between 19-21” long. For real people this baby is a baby now! I’m not going to tell you what size fruit/veggie he compares to. It’s a human being!

· Maternity Clothes? Yes, lots of them!! And pj’s the second I walk in the door from work.

·Sleep? I’ve been sleeping like a rock this past week. Amazing. Except when I do wake up needing to go to the bathroom I am so worried I’m going to pee my pants before getting to the toilet because my need to pee isn’t waking me up!!

·Best moment this week? Finishing the hall bathroom renovation!! Its done which means this baby can come at any time now:)

·Movement? Every day is a little different, but he’s still squirming in there.

·Food Cravings? I’ll eat anything. I’ve been trying to eat any and everything spicy to get this labor moving.

·Food aversions? nada

·Labor Signs? Cramping. And baby boy has definitely dropped at this point. I can feel him lower, he looks lower, and I think my need to pee a million times a night is a direct result of him dropping.

·Belly Button in or out? in. I can’t believe it didn’t pop out!

·What I miss? Walking like a normal person

·What I’m looking forward to? Meeting my Bear!!!!

·Milestone? At this point the kid is ready to come out and is just packing on the pounds, so hopefully we get to meet him soon.

· Stretch Marks? I’m sure.  I’m proud. I can’t wait to meet my boy.


  1. I can't believe you are 39 weeks. You look amazing for 39 weeks; honestly if I saw you at a store I would not think you were about to pop any minute. Best of luck with everything in the event this is your last update before he makes an appearance.

    1. thank you!! I can't wait to share is arrival with everyone.

      and I love that you dont' think i'm a giant. makes me happy:)

  2. you are not giant at all. Want to see giant check me out at 39 weeks
