Last night on the suggestion of a friend I met with this awesome woman named Mary for my very first Fertility Massage. I didn’t really know what to expect going into it, but was told to keep an open mind.
Really it was more than a massage. It was about focusing on getting rid of all the negative energy surrounding you and about self-reflection and getting yourself in the correct mindset to allow your body to get pregnant, and also to just be a happy & healthy person.There was a ton of massage though. I was told that my uterus was in a great location and wasn't tilted at all. there was a lot of visualization and breathing along with the massage.
I'm really happy I went and this lady had such awesome energy. I wish I could describe it better. There was this one point where she put all these plants on me and talked about how everything/everyone gives and takes and how plants do the same. So she massaged these plants into my abdomen and I did breathing exercises and we helped release all the toxins in my body. I took a picture of my belly before I got dressed

I just felt relaxed when it was over. And a different kind of relaxed from any other massage I have received.
Mary talked a lot about me as a person, even though she had never met me before. She realized quickly that I was a Pisces and that I’m someone that wears my heart of my sleeve. I’m very loving and dependable and I follow the rules, but when I don’t want to follow the rules I don’t! which is so true. She picked specific scents to use for my massage and one of them was Sweet Bay. The funny thing about that is one of the first things I did when we moved into our home was plant 3 sweet bay magnolia trees in our side yard.
She also said I’m a fantastic teacher and that it’s something I should consider doing….and that no matter what I will be a wonderful role model and teacher for my children one day.
I get this might seem odd just reading it, but I’m so pleased that I went and received the massage. I can’t wait to call Mary to tell her I’m pregnant (soon hopefully!)
Here is a link to an article on it that a friend of mine found -
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