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Diet/Weight update

05 June 2012

It’s been almost 2 months now since the craziness of my detox started, and I feel better than I ever have.

I’ve always been healthy with a mix of chips and salsa….meaning 90% of the time I ate healthy, the other 10% I ate chips and salsa. And I’m not kidding, I loved love chips and salsa.

The first month was hard, but not terrible.  Not as terrible as I would have anticipated.  At my lowest through the detox I had lost 10.4lbs.  and I think I could have lost more had I not gone all out drinking and eating whatever I wanted the entire Cinco de Mayo weekend.

Since the detox I’ve tried to keep my diet healthy. I anticipated that I would gain some of the weight back, but if I could continue to keep the processed foods to a min. than I would be happy with that.  I still drink shakes in the morning for breakfast, and snack on fruits and nuts fairly consistently.  Lunch I’m sticking with salads or healthy dinner leftovers and for dinner I’m eating what my husband eats but without the bread and cheese, if that’s part of the meal.  For example over the weekend we had a cookout at my IL’s. I had a burger and topped it with some cole slaw, and some sliced tomatoes with balsamic vinegar and basil.  And I was totally satisfied, I didn’t need bread, cheese and ketchup on my burger to enjoy it.  And while I really wanted to eat the macaroni and cheese everyone else was having, I was proud of myself for skipping it.  I didn’t need it.  But of course I drank:) and I will continue to drink because I like it.  I’m not drinking a ton but wine here and there is completely acceptable in my book. I’m not giving up chips and salsa and wine! Craziness.

We did go out to dinner last weekend for Mexican food and I had lots of chips and salsa, because I could. I’m not going to deprive myself, I don’t need to. Everything in moderation is A-OK in my book.

Exercise is still the same, running or biking in the gym 3-4 times a week and Zumba on Saturdays.

My current weight as of this morning is 125.4.

Shocker. Like really.  I haven’t weighed myself since the end of week 3 on the detox, and at that point I was at 131.  I didn’t weigh myself after week 4 because AF had just arrived and I was feeling terrible.

So to date I’ve lost 12.4lbs.

I’ll keep you updated on my overall progress of sustaining this way of life. 

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