Its Friday again, which means once again I’ve missed my Thursday date with you where I can tell everyone (read::nobody) what I’ve been reading and won’t get the eye rolls I get from my husband and sister. Because that’s a fun thing that happened when my sister moved in, she and my husband gang up on me and tell me I should be more social and stop reading so darn much….but do I seem like someone who cares? I didn’t think so….
These updates are going to be quick because I have a lot to share because I’ve been MIA
In the Car -
Ready Player One – awesome. Not my normal cup of tea but.awesome. and since I listened to it I’ll tell you the narrator was great. Seriously this is one for everyone to listen to!! I would even suggest my husband listen to it.

Love me if you Dare – sexy. It was just sitting out in the library and I grabbed it off a table top where they display summer books and it is one of those books that makes you squirm listening too. The only thing I’m bummed about is that after I started it I realized its book 2 in a series.

I just started a Nicholas Sparks audio book, Safe Haven….and I’m not far enough in to tell you what I think yet.
Reading –
Lifeboat by Charlotte Rogan. Again, it was a lot. I didn’t love it, but I finished it because of my connection to the author.
Black Dagger Brotherhood book 5 – I think my favorite of them all.
And The Next Always by Nora Roberts – I loved loved this book. I have the next one in the series on hold at the library. How do I get sucked into all these lovey dovey Nora Roberts books? Hahah

I’m currently reading book 6 in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. But since my sister is around I’m having a hard time hiding and reading, so it’s taking me a little while longer to read. The b!tch, hahah j/k.
Up Next –
I think I’m going to read The Fault in our Stars by John Green, and I have another BDB book that I picked up from the library…

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