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26 weeks, just 14 ish left to go

19 February 2014

I truly cannot believe that I’m already 26 weeks pregnant. I feel like time is flying and Bear is going to be here before I know it.  This morning I had the fetal echo cardio to check his heart and everything looks good, and I feel beyond blessed. We are truly so lucky that after 2 years of trying to get pregnant we’re expecting a very healthy baby boy. I won’t ever take that for granted.

After seeing him this morning and getting a good look at his face, I could just cry.  I may have gotten pregnant, but the hurt, struggle, wanting of IF will never leave. I know when we go to try for another baby it could very well be a serious struggle again. I will cherish every day I get to feel his little body moving inside of me and every time I get to see him growing bigger and stronger in the ultrasounds.
So before I actually cry here are some pictures of me and Bear this morning.


His face was pointed toward my back so I have no idea how they were even able to get a shot of his face but they did. It’s just a little smooshed:) but that’s Bear. I think he looks like me! ha.  He’s also not missing a portion of his face in the lower right corner, that was his foot moving around. Yes that’s right, his foot. One of them was located up by his head and the other down where it was supposed to be. That can’t be comfortable?

· How far along are you? 26 weeks, almost to my 3rd trimester which is really hard to wrap my head around

· Total weight gain: 9lbs at my last appointment. I’m sure I’m gaining because I sure am eating

· How big is baby? 13.75” and about the length of a leek.  They said this morning he weighs about 2lbs, which is pretty average. I’m very happy with that, I don’t want him to be too big! Ha he’s got to get out of there somehow!

· Maternity Clothes? Yes sireee

·Sleep? For the most part I’m sleeping really well. The bathroom  trips in the middle of the night are increasing though. I didn’t drink a ton before bed last night and I still peed like 4 times.

·Best moment this week? Seeing Bear this morning and hearing that his heart looks great and that we don’t need to go back to Maternal Fetal Medicine again.  Also, Ben is very into touching my belly now and I love it, it just makes my heart so happy. I’m just really happy.

·Movement? So much more. Like the rolling and kicking all the time has started

·Food Cravings? Anything!

·Food aversions? Nothing

·Labor Signs? Nope

·Belly Button in or out? I still have an innie

·What I miss? Nothing.

·What I’m looking forward to? Ordering the new flooring for our house! I had the house measured yesterday and so that will hopefully happen soon

·Milestone? I don’t know. Bad mom already?

· Stretch Marks? FX they hold out for a little while longer. So far they haven’t appeared

This past week was a good one. Baby is getting bigger and has almost doubled in size since I saw him 2 weeks ago, crazy right?