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30 weeks!!

19 March 2014

I’m 30 years old and I’m 30 weeks today with Bear!! I cannot believe he’ll be here in 10ish weeks. Where did the time go people. Maybe I should look back at all these posts to see how many times I asked this question, because I’m sure it’s almost weekly.  I’m beyond amazed daily at what my body is doing and how its changing.  I can say that while pregnancy hasn’t been all rainbows and sunshine, I’m loving it.  I might not be singing the same tune in a couple of weeks when my body is tired and the stretch marks are finally making an appearance, but today I’m still feeling really blessed.

I was just thinking about this time last year.  We’d had our second failed IUI and were so emotionally exhausted from TTC that we planned a trip to Mexico and skipped town.  What a difference a year makes, we’re spending our money on house renovations and the baby and I don’t think I’d want to be rolling around the beach in a bikini!! 

So here I am at 30 weeks. Are you missing the bare belly posts? I can start that up again if you’re really missing them:)


· How far along are you? 30 weeks. People how are there only 10 weeks left until Bear arrives!? It feels like a minute ago that I was praying for the 1st trimester to be over so that I could tell the world I was pregnant!

· Total weight gain: I don’t know. But I don’t feel like I’m gaining the way I did the past 2 months. We’ll see on Monday what my new weight is.

· How big is baby? Baby boy should be about 3.1 lbs and 17” long. He’s now close to the length he’ll be when he arrives. At this point he’ll start gaining about ½ lb a week.

· Maternity Clothes? Absolutely!

·Sleep? I’ve been sleeping a bit better, but I think that’s because I’ve been keeping so busy working on the house

·Best moment this week? The crib is up!! Here is a picture.  We still need to actually decorate the room, but I figured you’d like to see a quick snap of the room:)

·Movement? I’ve been trying to catch all the movement on video for you, but every time I point the camera in the direction of my belly, Bear stops moving.

·Food Cravings? Nothing really. I’m full as soon as I take a bite of something so that’s hindering my ability to really chow down.

·Food aversions? Nothing

·Labor Signs? Nope, but I think I am experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions. It just feels like period cramps.  I’m going to mention it to my midwife on Tuesday when I see her.

·Belly Button in or out? It’s still in!

·What I miss? Nothing people!

·What I’m looking forward to? Finishing up stuff around the house.  We’re getting closer, really! If only Ben wouldn’t have decided to tear the hall bathroom apart….

·Milestone? I don’t know. We’re 10 weeks ish away from meeting the Bear!

· Stretch Marks? My skin looks weird, but I don’t think I have any stretch marks yet.  And by wear I mean stretched out?!

I hope everyone have a good evening. I’m headed to do a guest bartender gig for the local Junior League, which I’m not super excited about. I’d rather be working on the house or sleeping!

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