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I tested this morning

30 January 2013

I had been going back and forth on whether or not I wanted to take a pregnancy test before my blood work on Friday, and I couldn’t hold out any longer.  I decided that I wanted to know before I got a phone call at work telling me I wasn’t pregnant. So I tested and it was negative.  I kind of expected it so I’m OK, but my husband isn’t.  I need to make him a really special dinner tonight or something….I need to do something to cheer him up.  

I feel like I should have more to say on the matter but I don’t. I’m kind of numb to the BFN.  And also it never really hits me hard until I start my period, which won’t happen until I stop taking the progesterone.  Which is another thing that sucks. Knowing you’re not pregnant and still having to stick those darn things up your vagina….and then the leaking. Yuck. My RE said that I needed to continue to take them until I get the blood work results.

So until next cycle.

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